Monday, July 10, 2006

Alabama Same-Sex Partner Adoption Denial to come before Court of Civil Appeals

With a tip of the tam to AP' s Robb Cobb for the image, to the left you see Cari Searcy holding Khaya Ray Searcy who is the biological child of Cari's partner Kim McKeand. The Alabama Court of Civil Appeals will be addressing the denial of Cari's petition to adopt Khaya by a Mobile Probate Court.

The AP's Amanda Thomas piece "Same-sex partner suing for parental rights" appears in The Decatur Daily. Good writing and don't you love that image. The couple met at school in Texas and have been in Mobile for five years. It appears they are well accepted in their community.

I hope they are getting some help in the case. If I were still practicing I'd be pleased to help. Ought to be an interesting case. If this couple is willing to be in the press as faces for the issue I'd like to think all the Amicus Curiae briefs from the social conservative groups that might very well attack will matter not. Peace ... or War!

UPDATE - 8:50ish - Tax guru Wheeler at Alablawg isn't optimistic about their chances yet celebrates their love and this child. The court might take a narrow view indeed yet I'm not so certain it fails on "Any adult or husband or wife jointly". I thinking the Code simply doesn't cover this situation so the Court is going to able to go either way. I wasn't going to mention the fact that five white church going (two Baptist deacons!) Republican men will decide this case but I'm afraid those factors could have more to do with the outcome than the statutes. Cari has a tough venue is one certainty I'd offer. I hope they'll give her a chance and perhaps the "Power of Love" can prevail. If they did rule in her favor would the Supremes be able to step in? Will this case become a campaign issue?